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    Saturday, July 18, 2009

    Fare hike for taxi in Malaysia

    From 1st of August, taxi fare will be a little bit more expensive in malaysia..

    Public transport fares to go up from August by newstraigttimes

    I have thought metered taxi fare in malaysia was very cheap,well, too cheap for drivers to feed him and feed their family I think. BUT It canNOT be a reason to cheat passengers and travellers!
    Now the government raised taxi fare,but what is moer important thing is to force cab drivers to use metre! My worst cab experience was one i took from batu cave to the city center in KL. costed more than RM50!!!! I went to batu cave from KL at RM13,but why the hell the other way around cost more than RM50? I doubt that shitty indian driver did something on his metre so it ticks much quicker.Be careful of cabs in batu cave. pls Take rapid kl bus..

    the news reports that from 1 august 2009 taxi fare will be....

    Metre start with RM2→RM3/RM3→RM4(in Penang)
    10 sen=150m→10 sen→115m

    I am strongly for raising cab fare IF they can follow the rule and run on metre.....ah desperate..



    今まで乗ったなかで最悪のタクシーはbatu caveから王宮前に行ったときです。batu caveにきたときはちゃんとメーター使ってくれてrm13だったのに帰りは「メーター」使ってrm50以上!改造メーターに違いない。

    初乗り運賃RM2→RM3/RM3→RM4(in Penang)
    10 sen=150m→10 sen→115m


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