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    Saturday, May 16, 2009

    The first post

    Well, here is my first post today.

    Hello,the world.
    I found this blogger/blogspot through melody's blog which was also posted on the facebook.
    I was insired by her blog which was so awesome that I also felt like giving it a try,haha.

    I dont expect a lot of viewers will visit my page,but its is like my private diary to record what happens in my daily life and my thoughts and ideas. I am not quite confident if I can make this blog a habit to write.I had so many blogs ,so far,that eventually resulted in forgotten ones. So, i know i said i dont expect many visitors,but I would be extremely happy to have your comments and oppinions.and I can gain powers to keep the diary alive for years.

    So,what's my recent daily life?

    First of all,I am still a university student majoring in "International communiication". The major includes mainly English language and understanding of oversea cultures. I have had so many questions from malaysians,"What's the points to study English language as a university major?"
    Well,it's a really good question.

    I think malaysians have this questions because in university or in college in malaysia,they study things in English! They speak their languages back home and with their friends from the same language group,but they are required to study high-level subjects in English. English is just a tool for them,and it is just the first step to begin their university life.

    On the other hand ,in Japan, English is a very special "skill". Many Japanese firms are expanding their business in oversea,but the problem is definetely this"lack of personelle with fluent English skill". English is a skill just like any other skills such as engineering,computing,etc.
    Many companies dealing with oversea business spend so much money on sending their workers to language school,which ,most of cases,ends up that they are not still fluent enough for business use.
    What if the companies find people who already invested their own money on improving their English by theirselves and who already can manage english ?why not just cut cost by hiring them instead of spending so much money on forcing I-dont-know-english personelles to study English?
    Unlike multi-language Malaysia, Japan is 100% Japanese language world.not only you dont need to use English in daily life,but also English is not required to study the latest technology.

    The Malaysian government introduced Engliish as medium of instructions in all the primary and secondary schools for math and science some years ago. but they say the purpose is to enhance the international competitiveness of the country. I believe the purpose should be "fair oppurtunity to all the races"
    Oh oh,ya i shouldnt say much about the government.I might be arrested and put into jails without proper steps,haha.

    okay,I thnk i stop here.I noticed I explained nothing about my recent life,lol.
    tommorrow lah,bye

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