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    Tuesday, May 19, 2009

    Training at Gym

    I got nothing to do these days.All of my friends are either working or busy hunting for jobs.
    So, I go to gym and have some sweat.

    This is Midori Sport Center,one of the Nagoya city public sport center.
    The mayor said that most of the public facilities in Nagoya will be close if they detect patients of swine flue. The sport center is one of those facilities..Today I had to renew my monthly pass that costs 1600yen(US$16)..What if this gym is close for the virus ?Do they compesate it? Hmm,I dont think they refund for the missing days..One entry costs 300yen(US$3),so if I can use the facility more than 6 times with the monthly pass before closure of the sport centre, I will be lucky...

    The gym training was hard as always.But compared with my first day of training,one month ago, I think I can lift training machines with less grimace face than before.
    There are some guys there with very nice muscle on most parts of their bodies.Looking at them sometimes, I tell myself I should not give up this hard thing and someday will achieve to build such mascular arms and thick chest with me.
    Currently, I've got a fat sumo-wrestler-like face and a beer gut though....haha

    After doing all the machines in the gym for 2 round, I went to running course and had a jogging for just 5 rounds. This reminded me of good days in Nilai college.I often wen to joggings along the Nilai lake.

    On the way back home,I saw this constructoin.

    They are constructing the Nagoya Outer Ring Road. Some parts of the project are already completed,but some parts like this one is still on-going. The road includes a ground-level road and an elevated highway just above the ground-level one. This place is the middle of housing area,so when this is completed, it will create a traffic noise pollution,I think..

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